Thursday, May 2, 2013


Welcome to another VINYLUCKY communication.

We have recently brought-in a nice selection of hard-to-find 12" singles for the perusal of our valued clientele. 12" singles usually sound far better than LPs due to less rolling-off of low frequency energy in the grooves. Allow us to demonstrate the obvious differences & advantages between LP vs 12" single format.

Be also among the first few to view the selection. Listen to any unsealed LP/12" through our retro-style stereo system tuned to give a " live " sound. We have over 12,000 LPs/12" to choose from with music ranging from the usual Pop/Rock, Jazz, Soul, Blues, Funk, Dance, Electro to Classical, Light Orchestra, World Music and many much more. We have something for any & everyone.

We apologise in advance if sometimes we are unable to allow entry to all visitors immediately during our peak periods where the store gets a bit crowded.

We are located at:

VINYLUCKY Music & Audio
No: 1 Coleman Street
The Adelphi
Unit # B1-42 (Basement One)
Singapore 179803
Tel: 6336-9071
Mobile: 9384-2565

                                                  " A Place Where Great Music Lives ! "