Welcome one & all to another VINYLUCKY communication.
People often asks us how come the records we play at the shop sounds so quiet & clean ? The answer is our unique 2-Step Professional Record Cleaning Service utilising 2 record cleaning machines & a specially formulated liquid that is sure to remove any & all particles embedded on the surface of the record.
Now you can finally start to enjoy those crackling & scratchy records & make them sounding brand new again. Dig into your stores & attics and bring your old records to VINYLUCKY and re-live that fond & nostalgic memories of days gone by.
We also provide useful advice on how to get the best sound from your existing stereo system & how to optimise it to fully derive it's intended results.
Also not forgetting our more than 10.000 reference record collection that covers the major genres of music of Pop/Rock, Jazz, Fusion, Blues, Soul/Funk, World Music, Instrumentals, Classical & many much more. Listen to any unsealed LP/12" through our retro-style stereo system tuned to give a "live" sound.
Come over to:
VINYLUCKY Music & Audio
No: 1 Coleman Street
The Adelphi
Unit # B1-42
Singapore 179803
Tel: 6336-9071
Mobile: 9384-2565
" A Place Where Great Music Lives ! "